Third Party Platform (3PP)

What is 3PP?

3PP stands for ‘Third Party Platform’. In terms of our business these are the platforms we integrate with, meaning a seamless communication back and forth from Orange Connex to these platforms.

3PP Integrations

What 3PP’s do you integrate with?

Depending on the destination you are looking to fulfil from, the 3PP integrations may vary. Please discuss in more detail with your Business Development Manager and/or Customer Service who will be able to advise in greater detail. Should the preferred integration not be available in your chosen region please let a member of Customer Service aware who will discuss the options available.

UK – Shopify, Linnworks, Channel Advisor.
Australia - Shopify, Channel Advisor, Linnworks, EIZ, and Maropost
China - DianXiaoMi, ECCang, ECPP, irobotbox, JUSHUITAN, LINGXING, MaBang, Puyuan, RTWS, ShuZiQiuZhang, SuMao, TongTool
Germany - Plentymarkets, JTL, DreamRobot, ChannelAdvisor

3PP Integration Features

How do I set up my 3PP to integrate with OC?

To integrate Orange Connex with your 3PP store, simply navigate to the App Store within the relevant portal, and search for ‘Orange Connex’. Once downloaded, you will be prompted to log in to your Orange Connex portal and accept the terms and conditions. Once integrated, it is advised to run a test order to ensure both platforms are communicating as expected and there are no restrictions on locations etc.

Can I cancel fulfilment orders in 3PP or Orange Connex?

Due to the time window that orders are imported and fulfilled you only have limited time to cancel the order within Orange Connex. You would always need to reflect any changes made on the 3PP platform such as cancellations. If the order has moved through to picking/packing, then it is too late to cancel the order and you must request that the customer refuses this upon delivery to return to Orange Connex.

Can I check the status of an order in 3PP or Orange Connex?

All order status’ can be checked in both Orange Connex and the 3PP system once we have communicated the order update back. This occurs when the order has been packed.

What exactly does the integration between 3PP and Orange Connex do?

The integration will communicate back and forth data based on the 3PP solution. This includes but not limited to order and inventory information, tracking details and SKU data. Please note, the functionality of each 3PP integration may vary, therefore, we recommend that you discuss this with your Business Development Manager and/or Customer Service.

Does the tracking number automatically get transferred from OC to the marketplace?

If the sales order has imported to Orange Connex system via an API, i.e. Shopify, Linnworks then our system will automatically communicate a fulfilled order status along with tracking information. If the order has been manually created on the Orange Connex system, then we will be unable to communicate this information back to the 3PP platform.

Will I be able to see my OC order number against my marketplace order number in the 3PP platform?

The OC order number will not be visible on the marketplace platform. However, you can use the original order reference to locate this information on the Orange Connex portal.

Does eBay fulfilment provide any protection for other platform orders?

Non-eBay orders are covered up to 100.00 (local currency). This is based on the purchase invoice value, not selling price.
High value product management option is available at SKU level. Please view the local rate card for reference on pricing and values.